Saturday, July 23, 2011

Numbers and such

Well, I have been switched to Sprycel because my Lipase numbers were too high, and now my numbers are too high on Sprycel.  
I am not happy about this. I get an upset stomach just thinking about it, or after I eat.  Tired and can sleep for at least 10 to 12 hours a day if I let myself.
I don't really get hungry, but like ice cream and fruit smoothies that I make myself.  I make them out of milk and fruit, or orange juice and fruit (mango's are great in these.) or believe it or not I use Ocean Spray diet cranberry juice or any other kind and fruit, mango's great here also.  Don't put mango's in the milk smoothies, not that it is bad, they just don't taste as good.  I also add egg whites, don't make a face until you try it.  You can not taste the egg whites and it gives you protein, which you need to keep your blood sugar numbers from going up to fast from the fruit,.  See I told you it was about numbers.
Anyway, that is what is going on right now. Except for the lump I feel under my left arm which my onc. says could  be nothing.  Yea, right.  Can't feel anything when you feel on the outside but can feel it on the inside.  Kind of like when you put a small ball under your arm and you can feel it inside.
Well off to do some laundry, yea, then off to a nap I am sure.
It is the sweating that will get to me and make me tired,.  Yes, even inside my house with the air conditioning on and the ceiling fans and other fans, I sweat when I do ANYTHING.  It is very upsetting, but like I always say it beats the alternative. So the glass is still half full, even if some of what fills it is sweat. :)

1 comment:

  1. Great way to look at your situation.Keep that positive outlook.I found your blog searching for CML resources and would like to add it to our blog directory (link below) so that others dealing with CML can learn from your experiences. However, I wanted to get your permission first. Please contact me at if you’d like me to add it to our directory.

    Take Care,
